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Face Lift

What is a face lift?

face lift is a surgical procedure, which technical name is rhytidoplasty aimed at improving the visible signs of aging in the face and neck. These signs are the falling of the middle part of the face which may cause wrinkles below the lower eyelid or between the mouth and the nose. Fat may accumulate or displace or there may be a loss of muscle tone in the chin or jowls. All of these make your face look tired and highlight the defects caused by aging.

Rhytidoplasty is indicated to restore a younger and more relaxed appearance, improving texture and tonicity of the skin, even though it will not change your physiognomy. This procedure may be done together with other techniques such as a forehead stretching or eyelid surgery.

Am I a good candidate for the surgery?

It is recommended that this surgery is only done on adult healthy patients, without any diseases that may endanger their lives, or slow the healing process. It is always preferable that they are non-smokers and that they keep a positive attitude with realistic goals to improve their looks.

Short Description:

Repositioning and tightening of facial muscles and tissue, reduction of excess sagging skin and fat of the face, jowls and neck by performing a surgical procedure.

What does the surgery consist of?

After the consult with Dra. Robles has been completed and he considers you are ready to face the surgery, you will be ready to enter the operating room. Once in there, Dra. Robles will mark the areas that will be treated during the surgery and take pictures of them to compare the results he obtained with the way your face looked previously. Once this stage is completed, you will be anesthetized and sedated.

There are several factors that must be taken into account upon deciding which technique or techniques will be used to do the procedure, such as your skin, or the structure of your bones and muscles.
Incision lines in the face are generally performed on the line where the hair starts, the temples and continue around the ear up to the lower scalp. After that, the excess fat in the cheeks and neck can be repositioned or removed. The underlying tissue will also be relocated, removing any excess skin. A second incision under the chin may be needed to improve the way the neck looks. The wound will be closed either with stitches or skin adhesives.

There is another alternative, with shorter incisions on the temples, lower eyelids or under the upper lip. An endoscope may be used to aid in repositioning tissue or muscles.
In addition to these techniques, other treatments may be used to improve the skin tone and quality.
As time goes by, incision lines will fade, even though they will never disappear. Anyways, Dra. Robles will see that the incisions are hidden by the natural skin folds.

You must know that only a surgical intervention will achieve the results of the rhytidoplasty, no non-surgical treatment will give you the same results. At the same time, the doctor may recommend some other treatments to improve the results. Some of them are face implants, laser treatment or fillers to improve the appearance and tone of the skin.

Are there other options?

There are other options, but none of them have the same effectiveness, Dra. Robles will assist you to decide whether or not is convenient. These options include filler, radiofrequency sessions or laser resurfacing.

How is the recovery from the surgery?

Once the surgery is completed, you will be bandaged, in order to avoid hematomas and reduce the swelling. These symptoms are completely normal, as well as numbness of the area and a discomfort feeling, which will be treated with medication. You will be advised to keep your head up as much as you can to alleviate the swelling.

The incisions will heal approximately in a week. Between two and four weeks after the surgery, you will be able to retake your usual activities, as long as they don’t require excessive efforts.
You will have to attend to checkups until the swelling disappears and the incision lines fade. You will have to use sun block to achieve a full healing of the incisions and follow any instructions given by Dr. Robles.

Which are the risks?

The risks associated to this surgery are infections, bleeding, hematomas, hair loss in the areas the incisions where performed, facial asymmetry, nerve damage, numbness and the risks related to using anesthetics.

How long will the results last?

The results are immediate and long lasting, even though the effects of time cannot be avoided. It is recommended to carry a healthy life and the use of sun block to keep your skin young and safe.
Final results will be seen approximately six months after the surgery.

What do I need to get the surgery done?

After all the details have been confirmed with Dr. Robles, you will be given some documents related to the procedure. There, you will find the informed consent for the surgery, which is a written statement that you’ve been fully informed of the surgery you are about to be practiced, as well as the risks involved. You will also be given a sworn statement of your medical history. Both must be read and filled when they are given to you, however you’ll sign them the day of the surgery on Clínica Robles.

In order to assure your safety and to be certain that the surgery will go without any complications, Dra. Robles will perform some routine pre-surgical tests, including blood tests, ECG, surgical risk tests, and whenever necessary an ultrasound scan.

It is of the utmost importance that you have all of the medication and other elements that Dra. Robles had asked you in previous consults. A fast recovery will depend on that. Medication varies according to the type of treatment or your medical history. This is why that information must be the trustworthy..